An R package for the European Union Member States (EUMS) Database. The database contains data on EU member states, including information about accession, the political system of the member state, participation in the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) and the Schengen Area, legal obligations and opt-outs, and membership in other international organizations. The database also includes data on qualified majority vote (QMV) weights and templates for cross-sectional time-series (CSTS) data and directed dyad-year (DDY) data on member states.


You can install the latest development version of the eums package from GitHub:

# install.packages("devtools")


The codebook for the database is included as a tibble in the R package: eums::codebook. The same information is also available in the R documentation for each dataset. For example, you can see the codebook for the eums::member_states dataset by running ?eums::member_states.


If you use data from the eums package in a project or paper, please cite the R package:

Joshua Fjelstul (2021). eums: The European Union Member States (EUMS) Database. R package version

The BibTeX entry for the package is:

  title = {eums: The European Union Member States (EUMS) Database},
  author = {Joshua Fjelstul},
  year = {2021},
  note = {R package version},


If you notice an error in the data or a bug in the R package, please report it here.