The nodes dataset includes one one observation per node in the network of European Union legal documents. Each node is a document. This network includes primary law (i.e., treaty articles), secondary law (i.e., legislation), and case law (i.e., court cases). The dataset incdicates the CELEX number of each document, which is a unique ID number assigned by EUR-Lex, the date of the document, the author of the document, and the type of the document. The dataset includes the following types of documents: treaty articles, directives, regulations, decisions, Court of Justice judgments, advocate general opinions, General Court judgments, national implementing measures (i.e., national legislation that member states enact to transpose EU directives), and national court decisions that apply EU law.



A data frame with 9 variables:


Numeric. An ID number that uniquely identifies each observation. Indicates the default sorting order.


String. The CELEX number for the document.


Numeric. An ID number that uniquely identifies the type of the outgoing node.


String. The type of the node. Possible values include: Treaty articles, Directives, Regulations. Decisions, Court of Justice judgments, Advocate general opinions, General Court judgments, National implementing measures, and National court decisions.


String. The author of the document. If there are multiple authors, they are listed, separated by a comma.


Date. The date of the document in a YYYY-MM-DD format. Coded NA for national implementing measures.


Numeric. The year of the document. Coded NA for national implementing measures.


Numeric. The month of the document. Coded NA for national implementing measures.


Numeric. The day of the document. Coded NA for national implementing measures.