An R package for the European Union Technical Regulations (EUTR) Database. The EUTR Database includes 15 datasets on the EU technical regulation procedure (i.e., the 2015/1535 procedure, named after the directive that most recently updated the procedure), including data on proposed technical regulations notified to the Commission by member states, comments filed by third-party member states and the Commission, and detailed opinions filed by third-party member states and the Commission. It also includes time-series and cross-sectional time-series on notifications and time-series, cross-sectional time-series, directed dyad-year, and network data on comments and detailed opinions.


You can install the latest development version from GitHub:

# install.packages("devtools")


The codebook for the database is included as a tibble in the package: eutr::codebook. The same documentation is also available in the R documentation for each dataset. For example, you can see the codebook for the eutr::notifications dataset by running ?eutr::notifications.


If you use data from the eutr package in a project or paper, please cite the R package:

Joshua Fjelstul (2021). eutr: The European Union Technical Regulations (EUTR) Database. R package version

The BibTeX entry for the package is:

  title = {eutr: The European Union Technical Regulations (EUTR) Database},
  author = {Joshua Fjelstul},
  year = {2021},
  note = {R package version},


If you notice an error in the data or a bug in the R package, please report the error here.